Lisa Carlin, Head of Legal Resourcing - US

Lisa is Head of Legal Resourcing – US at Konexo.

Lisa is is responsible for overseeing the recruiting of all contract attorneys and paralegals supporting client projects and secondments for Konexo US and works closely with Carmen Brun, Head of Konexo US, and Carol Rodriguez, Head of Legal Services - US. Lisa has more than 20 years of experience in the legal industry. She worked as a senior managing and staffing consultant overseeing a variety of recruiting and staffing projects as well as worked in the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, through USIS/LABAT, as a project manager supervising on-site teams of professionals providing litigation support services for criminal antitrust matters resulting from joint agency investigations. Lisa worked as a litigation attorney for a reputable law firm and later as a contract attorney for several law firms, on a range of matters, including products liability and securities fraud.

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David Saunders
Partner and Head of Konexo
View David on Linkedin
Carmen Brun
Head of Konexo - US
View Carmen on Linkedin
David Boyd
View David on Linkedin
Francesca Turquet
View Francesca on Linkedin
Joan Oh
Head of Konexo - Asia
View Joan on Linkedin
Babar Hayat
Managing Director, Head of Technology and Transformation
View Babar on Linkedin
Carol Rodriguez
Head of Legal Services - US
View Carol on Linkedin
David Robinson
Regulatory Director - UK
View David on Linkedin
Gemma Pendlebury
View Gemma on Linkedin
Gregor Gottlieb
Regulatory Director - UK
View Gregor on Linkedin
Ian Stott
Head of Financial Services
View Ian on Linkedin
Janet Price
Operations Director
View Janet on Linkedin
Kate Ellis
Head of the Branding Group
View Kate on Linkedin
Lisa Carlin
Head of Legal Resourcing - US
View Lisa on Linkedin
Oliver Beaulah
Legal Counsel
View Oliver on Linkedin
Richard Hill
Head of Legal Resourcing
View Richard on Linkedin
Simon Collins
Managing Director - UK
View Simon on Linkedin
Sophie Espinasse
Head of Client Learning
View Sophie on Linkedin

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